dasha saian

Sunday, December 28, 2014

"Gemstone" Red Quinoa Breakfast That Will Power You Up Without Weighing You Down!

This breakfast is just delicious! It will give you energy throughout the day, provide with lots of fiber, and pack a powerful punch of protein to fuel those hard-working muscles! I work out 4 days a week, and I can honestly tell you - "you are what you eat"! All calories are not created equal - you can have a 400 calorie fast food sandwich filled with preservatives, sodium, artificial flavorings, and trans fats, OR you can take 15 minutes in the morning and make a meal that will make your body look and feel year younger! Health will always shine through your skin, and give you clarity and vibrance that is easy to spot! 

My eyes are always sparkling because I take care of what I eat, and pay attention to how my body feels. I listen to my body, and that is the reason I don't keep a scale in the house. Winter is the time when our bodies naturally put on a bit of weight to protect ourselves from cold and "provide for the long months of famine", and that is okay! Just be in tune with yourself, and know when it's time to get back on track. I never quit my workouts, even during the Holidays. Don't beat yourself up for skipping your workouts, but don't give yourself a million excuses why not to be active, either. Just think about your body, it's the only one you have in this lifetime, so make sure you treat it with love, and you will see how well it treats you back!

I love an easy, vegan breakfast, and this one is sure to put a spring in your step :) As you know, quinoa is full of protein, and comes in 3 different colors - white, red and black. The white quinoa is fastest to cook, black takes about 5-7 minutes longer, and red is somewhat in the middle of the spectrum. I usually bring the pot to a boil, cover with a lid, and keep for 7 minutes. The red quinoa is tougher than white, so you will need to add 5 minutes to your cooking time to make it softer!

This is the easiest recipe ever - no dicing, slicing or prepping!

INGREDIENTS (I only use organic):
1/2 cup red quinoa
3 large dates
3-6 dried unsulfured apricots
1 tbsp raisins
1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup nuts
pinch of cinnamon to taste

Add 1/2 cup dry quinoa and 1 cup water to the pot and bring to a boil. Let boil for 5 minutes, cover with lid, and keep for about 7 minutes. When you open the lid, you should see that all water has evaporated. Add the warm quinoa to the dried nuts and fruit, and sprinkle with cinnamon! Enjoy, and have a powerful day!

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