dasha saian

Friday, December 21, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Now is the perfect time to make some New Year's resolutions (for those of us who can't stop anything cold turkey on Jan 1st.) I work in the Health and Beauty industry, and I always get asked what are some key foods and products we must avoid in order to look radiant, youthful and healthy. To be honest, with all the chemicals and preservatives out there, it is definitely easier to list the wholesome products we SHOULD consume... but for starters, why not eliminate 5 simple items from your diet such as:

1. Salt
2. Sugar
3. All Frozen, Processed, and Canned foods
4. Soda, any kind of juices (pre-packaged juices that are not physically juiced in front of you) sports drinks, caramel macchiatos with whip cream from Starbucks, etc. Those are just empty sugar calories mixed with coloring... and no nutritional value whatsoever.
5. Cigarettes (if you smoke)

And add 1 bottle of water to your daily regime. It should be either distilled water, or Alkaline water (Kangen water)

Just this small change will make you feel light, more energized, and more happy!
Try it today!