dasha saian

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Eating Whole for Health and Beauty

Many friends and clients often ask me "Dasha, what do you eat?" Well... It's complicated  actually, it's not very complicated, but I guess it's easier to tell you what I DO eat, rather than what I DON'T eat. This is a sample of my typical Whole Foods loot. I don't always buy the same things, but I usually have a big tub of organic spinach, organic broccoli, organic baby tomatoes, organic cucumber, organic carrots and celery for my juice, LOTS of organic cabbage, organic beets, organic cilantro, dill, and parsley, and LOTS of organic berries. I always start my day off with berries - a big heaping plate of them! 

I love eggs, and there is nothing wrong with that - just make sure they are free range and organic! I don't buy the hype about just eating the egg whites - you have to eat the whole egg, including the yolk - it has all the B vitamins you need! This time, I got some organic chicken breasts- I don't eat red meat, but I sometimes have chicken, to get more protein when I'm working out extra hard, or dancing a lot. I eat plenty of fats - avocado, raw organic walnuts, raw organic pumpkin seeds, coconut oil for cooking, and flax seed oil + Bragg's apple cider vinegar for my salads! The bread I eat (but very rarely) is Ezekiel Bread from Food for Life bakery in LA. It's 100% whole protein sprouted bread - completely flourless. I toast it, and spread avocado on top. With a squeeze of lemon, it's the best! A sunny side up egg next to this, and I'm in breakfast heaven!

What you won't see here is dairy (I haven't eaten it in years, because of the casein, animal hormones, acidity, and puss), canned foods, candy, sauces, dressings, pre-packaged foods, salt, sugar anything roasted or treated with liquid smoke, sausages, lunch meat, juices, sodas, pasta, pizza, pastry, jam, anything which comes from the middle isles of the supermarket, sweets, chips, bread, cereal, frozen food, or alcohol. As for drinks - I only drink 9.5 ph alkaline water from my machine, coffee (no sugar, no creme), and an occasional mineral water here and there. 

I believe that, to stay healthy, we must keep our bodies alkaline. When eating, I generally follow an 80% 20% principle, out of habit. This is what I learned from one of my nutritional mentors - Donna Gates (who is the author of The Body Ecology Diet, and Baby Boomer Diet, and now USES my products, and is including me in her next book!) 80% of your plate must be alkaline (all dark green leafy veggies) 20% can be acidic (pretty much anything from the above picture other than the veggies ie: chicken, egg, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, Ezekiel w/avocado, red skinned potato, tomato, fruits. I eat only until I am 80% full, leaving 20% of the stomach empty for digestion. I don't drink anything with my meals, because I don't want to dilute the stomach acid. 

So  if you wish to be like me, and live beautifully until old age, please indulge in real food, and enjoy

1 comment:

  1. 3 Researches PROVE Why Coconut Oil Kills Fat.

    The meaning of this is that you actually burn fat by eating coconut fat (including coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 studies from big medicinal magazines are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world around!
